
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday with Author Elyse Springer

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Books I Have Lied About by Elyse Springer

10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: As a diehard Harry Potter fanatic, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to love this book. I’ve told people over and over that I did. But confession: it’s my least favorite in the series. I’ve read it exactly once, on the day it came out. Sorry, JKR, but I’ll use my imagination to decide how Harry defeats Voldemort! (I do like The Cursed Child, though, so at least that awful epilogue is redeemed slightly.)

9. The entirety of A Song of Ice and Fire: I’ve read the first few. I know they’re popular. But my god are they boring. They’re too long, and I got sick of the needless character death after the first 50 or so gruesome on-page offings. But every geek on earth seems to love them, so I pretend like I do.

8. Twilight: YES I READ THEM ALL. I admit it! I didn’t like them, but for some reason I couldn’t put them down.

7. The Scarlet Letter: I wrote three term papers on this at university. I have never once read it. (The lowest grade I got on one of those papers was a B+, though.)

6. Fanfiction: Maybe it doesn’t count as a “book”, but some of these fics are pretty epic. I generally don’t fess up to reading fan fiction, but the fact is that I love a good novel-length fic. (But I don’t actually have a preferred fandom… I’ll read anything good.)

5. Anne Rice: Mostly the only person I lied to about these was my mother. I started reading these books at age 12, at which point my mom decided I was too young to continue. Of course that only made me more eager to sneak them out of the public library!

4. Every book assigned in high school English: I have a degree in English lit, but I also have a pretty serious disinterest in anything written in the 1800s or early 1900s. The only two books I read in high school were “Of Mice and Men” (aka the shortest one) and “The Canterbury Tales” (aka the reason I specialized in Medieval Literature). Thank goodness for Sparknotes.

3. “Bodice rippers”: I love them. I really, really do. I want romance tropes and terrible euphemisms for male anatomy and improbable plots.

2. Animorphs: I read these when I was in third grade. I also read them about three months ago. Why are these books so good?!

1. Every book I was ever asked about while working in a bookstore: I worked in a bookstore for three years. People came in constantly, asking, “Do you recommend this book?” Me: “Oh, absolutely! It’s fantastic, I loved it!” or “I’ve heard such good things about this one!” Yeah, I lied. A lot. 

About the Author:

Elyse is an author and world-traveler, whose unique life experiences have helped to shape the stories that she wants to tell. She writes romances with LGBTQIA+ characters and relationships, and believes that every person deserves a Happily Ever After. When she’s not staring futilely at her computer screen, Elyse spends her time adding stamps to her passport, catching up on her terrifying TBR list, and learning to be a better adult.
You can find Elyse online at:


  1. I went through a phase in the 90s when I was OBSESSED with Animorphs. OBSESSED!!

  2. LOL! I read very few of the books required in high school and even in college; I was always able to write a good report without reading.

  3. LOL about A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm a fan but I also see your points, and some of the character deaths frankly are a bit much after a while. That and the series may go on longer than my lifespan. :) And I've never read fanfiction but I kinda want to try?

    Fun list. :)

  4. I can agree with your thoughts on a few of these! I also read all the Twilight books, and I guess I must've kind of liked them? But I think mostly it was because I was in high school and back then there were very few YA vampire books, so I was desperate. And I'm pretty sure it was those books that made me so disenchanted with vampire books that I stopped reading them for years. I loved Anne Rice though. I started reading the Vampire Chronicles at 13 or 14, and, surprisingly, my parents actually did let me.

    Oh my goodness, haha. Three term papers without reading the book? I've definitely also turned in assignments and gotten As on things I didn't read though :-P

  5. I like that even though she didn't like the Twilight books, she mentioned they were hard to put down. I loved them, and I thought that as well! And to me, that is what makes a book a good book. Great top 10! Thanks for sharing!
