
Friday, November 11, 2016

Timekeeper by Tara Sim

Timekeeper by Tara Sim

Review by Lauren

source: copy from Netgalley; all opinions are my own

Official Summary: The official summary gives away something that I keep secret in my review, so I'll just direct you to Goodreads if you want to read.


I absolutely loved this book. It's been on my wishlist for a long time, so I was really excited that I was given the chance to read/review a copy from Netgalley. This is definitely one that I need to personally own in a physical copy though.

The basics of this story is that a 17 year old named Danny Hart is a clock mechanic who lives in London, England. Clocks are what control time, and the mechanics are men and women who can feel time and make sure that the clocks are always correctly running. If a clock tower breaks down, it can Stop a town. Nobody can enter or exit. This is what happened to Danny's father, and it's been three years since they've seen him, as he's stuck in one of these Stopped towns.

The mechanics are trying to build a new tower that will hopefully restart the town, but a lot of people are protesting it. Danny is desperate to work on the tower, as he desperately wants to rescue his father. Unfortunately, a previous accident keeps Danny away from the tower. Instead, he visits other towns and repairs clocks. This brings him to Enfield, whose clock tower keeps losing numbers, hands, and even has cracks appearing in its face. What's happening to the tower?

This is when Danny meets Colton. I don't want to be too specific about this character. I know other reviews might, but I want to avoid as many spoilers as I can. I loved the character of Colton though, as well as Danny, and when the two of them find themselves attracted to one another, I really rooted for their romance to work! Despite taking place in Victorian London, homosexuality isn't vilified. Some don't care, while others are supportive. The author's note explains more about why she decided to do this, but I'm glad she did! It makes same-sex relationships one less worry that these characters must deal with.

Timekeeper is such a unique, fascinating story. I'm so glad it's a trilogy so I can read more about these characters! As for Timekeeper itself, it's a great story in and of itself, though you'll want to continue the series, believe me! There is plenty of romance, suspense, steampunk, and more. Please get a copy - ASAP!


  1. Oh my gosh! This sounds so good! I am going to see if it is one I can order into my library so that I can read it! Great review! I'm very curious now as to what it is you're trying not to spoil.

  2. You convinced me not to check the Goodreads description :) This sounds so good, ad the mechanics and the time aspect, certainly are original! Great review!

  3. I am currently reading this. I just started it, but it is pretty good so far. Great review, and thanks for not posting spoilers!

  4. I was already excited about this book, but your great review just bumped it up quite a few slots on my TBR. I just love how unique the story sounds.

  5. Something different from what I usually read. Sounds good.

  6. I am so, so excited for this book! My copy arrived in the mail today, and it's the book I'm reading next after my current one.

    Steampunk + m/m romance = dream book for me.

    I'm so glad that you liked this one, Lauren! It's always exciting when you love the first book in a series because it means there is more to come :D

    I love the sound of homosexuality being accepted because I am 100% in support of not reading about horrible homophobia of the olden times. I am ready to accept the authors world and the positive changes made to it.

    Lovely review!
