
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Top Five Favorite TV Witches by Zoraida Cordova

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

FIVE FAVORITE WITCHES FROM TV by Zoraida Cordova, author of Labyrinth Lost

Magic and mayhem are two of my favorite words. When they’re combined with women and girls, I love them even more. In Labyrinth Lost, book 1 of the Brooklyn Brujas series, I wanted to write about three different sisters who embody this in completely different ways. Each book in the series is dedicated to a different sister’s journey. Alex’s story in Labyrinth Lost is about self-love, family, and accepting your own power. Because Halloween is the Witch’s New Year, I want to share with you some of my favorite witches from TV.

5. Melisandre. ONLY because she brought back Jon Snow.


4. Jesus Vasquez from True Blood

BRUJOS REPRESENT. When Jesus says “I am a brujo” for the first time, I got shivers. He’s gay, he’s Mexican. He was a breath of fresh air. I was upset over his demise.


3. Sabrina Spellman from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

This was one of my absolute favorite shows of all time. I watched it every day as a kid. Sabrina was resourceful, quirky, funny, and totally weird. She didn’t fit in, despite her best attempts, and I felt that way, too. Plus, she got to do the kind of magic I wanted. Super easy wardrobe change.


2. Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow goes through some dramatic changes during the seven seasons Buffy was on the air. Booknerd, thriving college student, light witch, dark witch, basically goddess. She’s the reason the gang solves most of their problems. When she’s faced with ultimate darkness, she finds her way back. Every squad needs a brain, but Willow is more than that. She’s hope and kindness and loyalty.


1. Regina Mills AKA The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time

I’ve been rewatching this show lately and have the utmost respect for Regina. She’s cursed in many ways, but she has a hero’s journey. Magic isn’t black and white, but the show (being Disney and all) places her in an interesting position. Her entire life keeps getting thrown off course by the “good guys” and she is made to take the higher road. She’s resilient and brave and has the best outfits of all evil queens out there. I’m rooting for her Happy Ever After.


Thanks to Zoraida for sharing her Top Five Witches - don't forget to check out her YA novel, Labyrinth Lost, with features LGBT+ characters. 


  1. Willow at no2?! (you can tell I haven't watching OUAT right?) :)

  2. Yay, I love Melisandre but as a redhead we are kindred spirits!!!

  3. YES! So agree with everything, and I love Melisandre, got a girl crush on her only if she keeps that darn necklace on. Hahaha! But the actress playing the young Melisandre is an effing bombshell, so flawless! Damn!

  4. What a fun list! There are so many great ones on here. I especially liked seeing Sabrina.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  5. I can't wait to try Labyrinth Lost! Willow will always be at the top of my list. :)

  6. Haha that is so true about Melisandre - she totally gives me the creeps and I have never been fond of her character, but then she brought Jon Snow back to life, so now we are cool : )

    My TTT:

  7. I don't even care that she brought back Jon, I still HATE Melisandre. I am fond of Sabrina though, that was a fun series.

  8. Yay for Regina Mills!!! I'm kind of off OUAT overall at the moment, but Regina will always be my favorite.
