David Inside Out Blog Hop
David Inside Out by Lee Bantle is the main premise of this blog hop. However, we wanted to make it fun and more interesting than some of the other "tours" that are just interviews and the like.
This one, instead, will have each stop of the tour posting a letter to one of their favorite authors. What does that have to do with DIO? Well, in the book, David and his best friend, Eddie, do the same thing...except their favorite authors are all romance writers and they actually mail them.
We aren't mailing ours, but they will be posted on the various blogs for you all to read and enjoy and at the same time...be entered to win a fun prize pack!
Everyone gets ONE point for EACH different letter they comment on. Plus, they get TWO points for EACH different blog they follow...if you already follow, that counts too. This blog (Let's Get Beyond Tolerance) counts too...so be sure to follow along for some extra points.
The tour starts tomorrow, which is when I will post the full Prize Pack, re-post details on how to enter, and I'll even post the blog host's link so you know where to go and when.
I wanted to have the full time filled up...but I'm afraid that didn't work out. So there will be random days where nobody is posting anything. HOWEVER, I thought it would be fun to have people entering the giveaway to post their own letters to an author if they happen to have blog.
If you do post your own letter, link back to THIS blog, and post the summary of David Inside Out (all in the same post) you will get THREE more points. This only counts for one blog you own and one letter you post, so don't post more than one.
Again, these details will be up tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know so you can start planning your letter or get ready to start HOPPING!
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I just found your blog from the blog hop. I wanted to say how just the title of your blog had me stop and think. Though I am what I consider to be a straight woman (in college I was a bit bi-curious but never had the courage then to look in to my feelings) I've always been a huge supporter of gay rights. I think so many people both gay and straight are willing to stand up and say they are supportive but they don't actually in any way celebrate or embrace gay culture. People are not one dimensional and everyone truly are unique. Anyway I don't even really know what it is I'm trying to say. More just a very strong feeling and conviction in my heart if that makes any sense.