
Monday, November 30, 2015

In The News: Singapore For/Against Adam Lambert

do not own image - source
I've been a huge fan of Adam Lambert since his American Idol days. I've even seen him live, though I know his act has gotten more "scandalous" if you will as the years went on. I think it's great. He's just having fun and being himself! However, Lambert is meant to be performing on New Year's Eve in Singapore but over 18,000 people have signed a petition for him to be removed from the lineup.

The Advocate shares more about the petitioners and why they dislike Lambert, but they also note that over 23,000 people have signed in support of Lambert. It looks like Singapore has more in favor than in opposition. Irregardless of these petitions, Lambert is still set to perform at the end of the year.

Obviously people have their opinions and they can make a petition against or in support of someone/something. However, I do think the right decision was made in allowing Lambert to still perform since he was already asked. They had obviously decided that Lambert was fine to perform, so I'm glad that some complaints didn't deter them from keeping with their original decision.

What do you think?

Friday, November 27, 2015

Etsy Pride (11): Rainbow Ornament + Christmas Car Charm

December starts next Tuesday. I can't believe it! In honor of that, I thought I'd showcase a couple LGBT+/Pride items that are suitable for the upcoming holidays.

Rainbow Heart Christmas Ornament - Bead Filled Glass Bulb by Crafty Sue Shop. You can buy this awesome ornament now for $14.00. I love the look of the beads and of course, the rainbow aspect is fantastic!

Christmas Accessory Car, Rear View Mirror Charm, Car Accessory Charm for $7.50 from Baubles and ByGones. This would be great for the holiday season since the charms are little Christmas lights and a bell in the middle. It's also a nice rainbow mix for LGBT pride if you wish for it to be! Just hang this in your car and voila, a lovely and well-priced gift! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: My Year Zero by Rachel Gold

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine

My Year Zero by Rachel Gold

Released:  March 29, 2016

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Official Summary: Lauren thinks she has a pretty good life—so why is it that she feels crazy most of the time? She figures it’s nothing she can’t fix by getting her first girlfriend and doing better at school. But how is she ever going to find a girlfriend in Duluth, Minnesota?

When she meets a group of kids who are telling a science fiction story online and gets invited down to the Twin Cities, she gets more attention than she ever expected, from two very different girls: charming Sierra and troublesome Blake.

Blake helps Lauren understand that she’s not the crazy one in her life. But Blake's attention—and insights into life and living with bipolar disorder—threaten to destroy everything Lauren has created for herself, including her relationship with Sierra.

What do you think about this one? It looks like it will be a really fun read. I like that Lauren meets kids telling a science fiction story online. I'm all about those nerdy/dorky characters! I can usually relate. This one looks like it will include a bit of a love triangle, but since it involves all girls, I think I can handle it! It'll be different from the standard two guys love the same girl trope.

What are you waiting on?  

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

LGBT News/Reviews: Recommend to Me

made in PicMonkey ... just something fun for the post!
This Thursday in the United States is Thanksgiving. I'm grateful that I'll be off that day and Friday, but leading up to Thursday and even this coming weekend, I will be at work. Since I won't have a lot of time to schedule out posts, I thought I would start this week off with something a little easy for you all!

Recommend any LGBT-themed books, movies, musicians, etc. Anyone you want me to feature on the blog? I try and keep things at a YA level but I know that can differ on who is reading the book ... so don't worry about age level. Share what interests you! I might start sharing all things LGBT+ and not focusing so much on age level in the new year. What do you think about this?

 Any upcoming LGBT -themed entertainment news you want to share with me? I'd be happy to make a post or link up sometime in the near future if it's something you want everyone to know!

-Lauren Becker

Friday, November 20, 2015

Musical Choice: Chely Wright's "Shut Up and Drive"

Chely Wright had a big country career in the nineties, which is when this song is from. She came out many years later, which is fantastic, but country music doesn't seem like the most accepting place. I know this isn't true of everyone, but I don't know of any super successful out country stars. I do hope this changes! I commend Chely for being open and honest with herself and her fans though!

Do you find country music accepting of those that are LGBT+? Do you listen to country music? Have you heard of Chely Wright?

Share your thoughts below!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Look at The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon

The Night Sister is the first book I've ever read by Jennifer McMahon, but it was so good and engaging that I know it won't be my last. I got this to read and review for my other blog, Shooting Stars Mag, so there will be a full review over there soon. However, I wanted to post about the book here as well because it does feature a bisexual main character. Piper has been in love with her best friend Amy since she was young. In the story line that takes place more in the present (this book features three different timelines, that all go together - so it's not confusing!) Piper notes that she has had many relationships over the years, with both men and women, but she's always had Amy stuck in the back of her head. I like how none of this is a big deal in the novel. It's just stated - that's not what the book is about at all. It's refreshing to find titles like that!

Please share your thoughts about this book below - have you read it? Do you want too? What do you think about LGBT characters that are just there and it's no big deal?

Monday, November 16, 2015

American Girl Magazine Features Two Dads - Causes Upset

do not own- from the American Girl issue
I came across this article last week about the November/December issue of American Girl magazine. Apparently the group One Million Moms is really upset about the article on foster care included...because they included the family you see in the picture above, where there are two fathers instead of a mother and a father.

These moms do not believe this should be included in a magazine for children and the article I read is highly against One Million Moms. Regardless of the tone of that article, I do agree that this is a horrible thing to be upset about and I do commend American Girl magazine for using their platform to show various types of families. People that foster and adopt kids (for the right reasons) are amazing - gay, straight, it doesn't matter. We need people in the world like them. We need people to help those children.

You can read the One Million Mom's post here if you wish. They talk about American Girl magazine "promoting sin" and they even write that One Million Mom's "encourages you to avoid shopping at American Girl until it takes a neutral stand. If you receive their magazine in the mail, 1MM recommends you unsubscribe and even cancel the shopping catalogue. Be sure to tell them why you are unsubscribing and cancelling."

Honestly, this makes me want to shop at American Girl. I loved those books and I even received a Samantha doll when I was younger. These stories give girl's positive representation of women - all different colors, all different backgrounds. If you believe in what American Girl is doing (and you think it's perfectly fine to show two dads in their magazine) then please spread the word and get other like-minded people to help support American Girl. I don't think this controversy will hurt their sales in a drastic manner, but you never know. It's good to show you stand by people who stick up for equal rights. When you can of course.

Share your thoughts below  - be honest, but be respectful!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Etsy Pride (10): Memory Locket + Coffee Cozy

It's our 10th Etsy Pride! I have decided to try and do these posts every other week, as I don't want to bombard you with too many items at once (especially if you are interested in buying something - gotta save some money in between, right?)

This is an LGBT Pride and Awareness Floating Charm Memory Locket from Rebels Creations. You can buy it for just $10 and you get the option of a necklace or a key chain. I love these memory lockets - they are so cute! It's nice to see one for LGBT pride. I would love the key chain. This shop has all sorts of themed lockets, so be sure to look around!

It's that time of the year for warm drinks, so why not check out this Gay Pride Rainbow Coffee Cup Cozy (20 oz or 16 oz) from New Pride Designs. This shop is full of LGBT+ Pride items, so definitely check out what else is on offer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine

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If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

Out: May 3, 2016

Official Summary: Amanda Hardy is the new girl in school. Like anyone else, all she wants is to make friends and fit in. But Amanda is keeping a secret. She's determined not to get too close to anyone.

But when she meets sweet, easygoing Grant, Amanda can't help but start to let him in. As they spend more time together, she realizes just how much she is losing by guarding her heart. She finds herself yearning to share with Grant everything about herself--including her past. But Amanda's terrified that once she tells him the truth, he won't be able to see past it.

Because the secret that Amanda's been keeping? It's that she used to be Andrew.

Will the truth cost Amanda her new life--and her new love?

Why I Want to Read: I came across this book on Goodreads and I immediately knew that I needed to read it. Too bad it's coming out in May of next year...sigh. At any rate, I think it sounds fantastic and I love that there are more and more transgender books being released. The LGBTQ spectrum is so wide and encompasses many people, so it's important to have books that focus on that.

What made me even more excited about this book is reading the blog Read.Read.Read's Waiting on Wednesday post for the same title. Apparently the book is partly inspired by the author's experiences as a trans woman, PLUS the cover model for the book is Kira Conley, a transgender model. How amazing is that?! I love the cover by the way. I think the pose and facial expression says a lot. 

Are you excited for this one too? What are you waiting on today? 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Make it a Gift: More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

Make it a Gift is a feature that I do over at my other blog, Shooting Stars Mag. I usually post a book review and then at least one item that I think could be given with the book to truly make it a gift. However, sometimes I like to feature books without the review - just post about a book and share a gift I think would be good for it.  

Today, I am featuring More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera, which I actually reviewed on here already. If you want to purchase this book to gift to someone, here is what I think you should include with it:

101 Smiles Make a Sunshine: A Happiness Journal by Hannah Rogge

Check it out on Amazon now: Record 101 happy moments in this journal, then fold each page to watch the book transform into a paper sculpture. When complete, the rising sun will be a record of bright moments.

In More Happy Than Not, Aaron writes down moments in his life - especially the happy ones -and I think this is a particularly good journal to do that in because it actually creates a happiness-inducing sunshine when the journal is completed. It's something you can fill out and keep afterwards!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Goodreads Giveaways: Find New LGBT Books

Goodreads Giveaways- here are some more LGBT books that are currently up for giveaway on Goodreads. Click the link and scroll down a bit - you should see where you can enter!

A Little Bit Langston by Andrew Demcak - add to goodreads

Tearing Us Apart by Amanda Clay - add to goodreads


Would you read any of these? I think both sound really good! Did you enter the giveaways? Let me know! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Musical Choice: Sam Smith's "Writing's On the Wall"

Sam Smith sings the official theme song for the new James Bond film, Spectre. It's called "Writing's On the Wall" and I thought I'd share that music video with you all today! I know I've been doing Musical Mondays, but there isn't really a link-up there anymore so if you know of any other bloggers that share music posts on certain days, let me know! I might try and link there. Otherwise, I'll just post musical posts on random days!!

I love Sam's voice. What are your thoughts about this song? I think he does a great job and I love the higher notes. I can't easily sing along with them, but it sounds really cool. Very dramatic!

Share your thoughts below!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

HavenCon: LGBTQIA Geek and Gaming Convention


HavenCon "is the first geek and gaming convention in Texas to focus on the LGBTQIA and Ally communities." HavenCon is April 22-24 in 2016 and you can register now!

While I do not personally live close enough to Texas to attend, I still really love this idea. I imagine it's a place where people can truly be themselves. You might think comic cons and the like are open to everyone, but that's not always the case. I've heard a lot about sexual harassment toward women at comic con because it was always such a male-oriented arena. For those that identify as LGBTQIA, I do not know what reception they get but I'm sure there are people who have had to deal with a lot of intolerance and it's not right.

HavenCon is something that should be supported, so definitely think about going if you live close enough. If not, then let people who live in Texas know (if you know of anyone or simply wish to share with your readers if you're a fellow blogger!)

Monday, November 2, 2015

LGBT Book Reviews Elsewhere

do not own image - source
I wish I had all the time in the world to read books, especially those that feature LGBT+ characters, but alas, I do not. However, I thought I could try (every now and then) to post about reviews I've seen around that DO feature LGBT+ characters for your perusal. Some of these books may be ones I've reviewed on here already or that I will review, but it never hurts to get varying thoughts!

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - reviewed by The Social Potato

What We Left Behind by Robin Talley - reviewed by One Way or An Author

Willfull Machines by Tim Floreen - reviewed by Books for a Delicate Eternity

Postcards from No Man's Land by Aidan Chambers- reviewed by Read All the Things! 

Have you read any of these? If not, do you want too?